The crop report for the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture has seeding progress in the province at only five per cent, way behind the five-year average of 24 per cent. However, the five per cent number is a progress estimate as of Monday, May 10. A lot has changed in the past few days as areas dry out and producers take to the fields. It’s interesting to note that the region with the most progress is the northwest at 11 per cent. That’s ahead of the southwest at seven per cent and the southeast at six per cent. There’s generally been less rain in the northwest. On the other hand, in the northeastern region of the grain belt most producers had yet to begin seeding as of May 10. The difference in progress is even more pronounced in Alberta. The Peace River region remains dry and there’s been a great deal of seeding. Meanwhile, southern Alberta has been wet and progress is way behind normal. In fact, Alberta’s Agriculture Financial Services Corporation has extended the seeding deadline for lentils and fababeans to May 25. The regular seeding deadline for getting crop insurance for those crops in Alberta is May 15, but rain and snow has made that deadline impractical. I’m Kevin Hursh.