It sure isn’t easy to do export business these days. Pulse Canada reports that it’s continuing to work with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and industry players on a trade problem with India. India wants pulse shipments to be 100 per cent free of soil, something that isn’t possible with crops that you often have to scrape off the ground. Even when crops are thoroughly cleaned before export, a zero tolerance for soil is not possible in field crop shipments. Pulse Canada is trying to explain that to Indian officials. Meanwhile the Canadian Special Crops Association has been working with the CFIA to press for a permanent resolution on Mexico’s zero tolerance for certain weed seeds in canaryseed imports. Canadian canaryseed sales to Mexico have been disrupted for many months now due to the presence of buckwheat, which a quarantine weed seed in Mexico. Despite optimism for a quick resolution back in July, our canaryseed remains shut out of the Mexican market. There’s some optimism that the issue may be resolved in the near future, but the loss of our number one customer is no doubt hurting canaryseed prices. I’m Kevin Hursh.