There’s a new information source for people who want to keep track of the cattle market. Sandy Russell of Spring Creek Land & Cattle Consulting has launched a weekly commentary called The Bottom Line. Sandy Russell has provided production expertise and market analysis for years. She has also been involved in policy development. I can’t think of anyone in Saskatchewan more qualified to be doing a beef cattle commentary. Some producers balk at paying for market intelligence, but in my view good information is worth paying for. The launch of this product is timely given that calf prices are the strongest they’ve been in years. As Russell points out in her first report, the price of 550 pound steer calves has stabilized at around $1.30 a pound despite corn prices that have been as high as $6 a bushel and a Canadian dollar that’s been running around par. CTV has stopped running livestock market information during the noon hour. Producers who utilized that source of information may be looking for an information replacement. A two-week free trial subscription to The Bottom Line is being offered so producers can check it out before spending any money. For more information, go to I’m Kevin Hursh.