The Europeans are certainly skilled at inventing new trade barriers. Mandatory eco-labeling legislation has been passed in France. By July of next year, environmental information will need to be made available at point of sale for all high volume consumer goods including food products. The first eco-labeling requirement is expected to include only carbon footprint information, but there are concerns that it will be complicated and used as a trade barrier. Imported goods may automatically receive a poorer rating because of transportation costs, ignoring environmental benefits such as direct seeding on the Canadian Prairies. Various commodity organizations in Canada are concerned by the new French legislation and are working to find out how it will be implemented and what impact it will have. Another concern relates to a proposed new European regulation that would impose increased trade restrictions on genetically modified crops that have been discontinued. Three discontinued canola events are on the list. They are currently approved at low levels within European food and feed, but since the events are being discontinued in favour of new technology, they will only be approved within feed and at much tighter levels if the European proposal goes through. Europe is not an easy market in which to do business. Their policies often make little sense. I’m Kevin Hursh.