The best overall yields in the province this year were in northwest Saskatchewan. The final crop report of the season from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture gives yield estimates for the six regions of the province. The northwest is higher in all the crops reported for the region. On spring wheat, the average yield in the northwest is 40 bushels per acre, well above the 35 bushels an acre estimated for the northeast and the 33 bushels in the southeast portion of the grain belt. A durum yield isn’t reported for the northwest. On durum, the highest yield is in the southeast at 35 bushels an acre. For oats, the northwest is at 75 bushels an acre, while the northeast is 70 and the rest of the province is around 55. The northwest has an estimated average yield of 61 bushels for barley. The southwest is second at 52, with the other regions are in the 40s. For flax, all the regions report in the 18 to 20 bushel per acre range. On canola, the northwest is at 36 bushels an acre, while the southeast and southwest are both at 30. West central Saskatchewan has the lowest canola yield at 24. On peas, the northwest has the highest yield at 39 bushels an acre, while the northeast has the lowest at only 22. Lentil yields are 1100 to 1200 pounds in the areas reporting the crop. Canaryseed is estimated at 900 to 1100 pounds an acre. I’m Kevin Hursh.