There have been some interesting discussions as a result of my producer election commentaries from the past two days. Here are some additional thoughts. I’ve had discussions with a couple of the producers running for Canadian Wheat Board director positions – candidates that support marketing choice, but haven’t mentioned that in their election information. These candidates say they are planning to work within the current system for changes they believe will be positive for farmers. Thus they didn’t declare their preference for marketing freedom. I think it would have been more forthright to tell the voters the full story. It may have even improved their election chances. I would also disagree with a single desk supporter not openly declaring that position. The other election commentary took exception to the lack of information for ratepayers on rural municipal elections. If it’s too much expense and bother to send a letter to ratepayers telling them who is running and when the vote is being held, why not have all the election information on a website? Rural municipalities could send their election information to SARM and it could all be posted on the SARM website for everyone to see. That would be inexpensive and effective. I’m Kevin Hursh.