It would be interesting to see a study on this, but I’d bet that farmers in Western Canada have a much bigger investment in grain storage than producers in almost any other country. Despite all the capacity and continued sales of new bins, anytime there’s a decent crop in a region, storage remains a problem for many producers. Seed cleaning is sometimes delayed because there aren’t bins free. Fall fertilizer purchases are sometimes delayed because fertilizer bins are filled with grain. In a year like this one when fertilizer prices are rising, not buying in the fall could be costly. In the last few years, there has been a huge increase in the use of grain bags. While that works well for many producers, bin space still seems to be at a premium. We’re storing more production waiting for movement and pricing opportunities. Farms continue to expand and the addition of acres doesn’t always come with usable grain storage. We grow a wider diversity of crops which means more bins end up partially full. Smaller, older bins while still usable are often impractical. More hopper bottom bins with aeration are on the wish list of a lot of producers. I’m Kevin Hursh.