The Canola Council has sent out a Canola Watch report on grading factors. No. 1 canola may contain up to 2 per cent distinctly green seeds and a maximum of 5 per cent damaged seed, including green. The allowable limit for No. 2 is 6 per cent distinctly green and 12 per cent total damage. On No. 3, it’s 20 per cent distinctly green and 25 per cent total damage. Anything more than that is sample grade. While rolling out canola seeds and checking for green count has been common practice for decades, disputes still arise over what constitutes distinctly green. According to the Grain Grading Guide, “distinctly green tolerances are applied to crushed seeds which are a distinct green throughout.” There are probably fewer grading disputes with canola than with many other grains and the price discount isn’t very large between a No. 1 and No. 2. But the canola grading information illustrates the difficulty with grading factors. So much is subjective. When is a wheat kernel sprouted? When is a lentil seed diseased? When is a barley seed discoloured? I’d hate to be a grain grader or a grain buyer in a year like this one. I’m Kevin Hursh.