Hunters and farmers are going to be interacting even more than usual this fall. First of all, harvest is running late meaning farmers and hunters are driving the same back roads. As well, many areas have lots of waterfowl this year. Sloughs that are often bone dry by the fall are still brimming with water and that’s attracting ducks and geese. Whether hunters are after migratory waterfowl, upland game birds such as partridge, or big game a little later in the fall, courtesy and common sense go a long way. In my experience, most hunters are polite and respectful. They ask for permission to hunt and they go about the sport safely and professionally. They’ve often traveled a long way and they’re spending money in the local economy. Many return back to the same communities year after year and develop friendships with the locals. Unfortunately, there are always some bad apples that don’t follow proper procedures. They don’t establish a relationship with the landowner and wander around like they own the place. These are the ones that can spoil it for all the others. I’m Kevin Hursh.