My wife Marlene and I have long attended the Craven Country Music Jamboree. We’ve been at nearly all of them dating back to the mid-80s. That’s where we are right now, camping in the mud in an amazingly wet year. As we enjoyed the music and festivities of the Thursday night beer garden, a farmer friend of mine said ‘you’ve got to see this’ and he took me over to where you can see the signage over the main stage. There in big bold letters it says “Saskatchewan Wheat Pool”. Of course, Sask. Wheat Pool has been gone for years, replaced by Viterra. Why the main stage at this major country music festival would have it wrong is a mystery. Maybe it’s a retro weekend. More likely, someone in sponsorship procurement has made a mistake. It’ll be interesting to see if the sign stays or if organizers are able to replace it. Years ago, Craven actually had a Saskatchewan Wheat Pool elevator that was prominent behind the main stage of the jamboree. The elevator is long gone and so is the Sask Wheat Pool. Seeing the name again was a blast from the past. I wonder if I’ll be able to party as hard as years ago when the company was actually Saskatchewan Wheat Pool. I’m Kevin Hursh.