If the weather forecasts are close to being correct, flooding concerns are going to get worse before they get better. The weather gurus could see this big weather system developing for days and they’ve been in agreement that it’s going to drop a lot of rain. It’s rare to see such widespread heavy rainfall warnings. The abnormal spring is the top conversation topic among producers attending the Farm Progress Show in Regina. Some producers completed seeding in a relatively timely manner and they don’t have serious issues with excess moisture, at least not yet. At the other end of the spectrum, there are horror stories about getting tractors and sprayers stuck, massive areas that are unseeded and big areas of fields that were seeded but are now under water. It’s normal at this time of year to envy the areas that have had good rains. This year, the luckiest producers are the ones that have received the lowest precipitation totals. When crops are lost in June, it’s typically due to drought. This year, excess rain is going to result in a huge production shortfall. I’m Kevin Hursh.